zbrella Works on Safety Goggles With Built-In Mic & Cam

zbrella Works on Safety Goggles With Built-In Mic & Cam

zbrella Works on Safety Goggles With Built-In Mic & Cam

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Giving field engineers in any service the ability to go hands-free with safety goggles

It’s universal to any company that provides a service: not having enough high-level engineers to deploy on the field and not having the hands to make a call when assistance is needed. The amount of restrictions that working directly in the field in any service industry can put on engineers and technicians can be disadvantageous, especially if they need to contact a Super who may not necessarily be available when needed.

At zbrella, on a current project we are working on developing safety goggles with a built-in camera and microphone that will enable engineers to use voice control for making calls without using their hands. Through the technology we’re developing, our clients can have their field engineers get in contact with anyone tied directly to a project and make video calls back to the office to speak with a Superintendent.

This project we’re developing is especially vital to field workers because we’ve identified that they are oftentimes tasked on ladders, are in the middle of troubleshooting, working on engines, and performing other manual tasks that require the use of their hands. By creating a custom technology platform, zbrella is giving them the ability to make video calls hands-free in a move to enable better and faster field work and allow engineers to make more out of the time given to them. We are in the process of creating more cost-efficient processes that will save our clients money, increase the speed at which work gets done, and help them bill more with less effort.

By implementing a heads-up display via safety goggles, zbrella is not only alleviating the risk-factor involved in fieldwork, but also proving the concept of building out a centralized engineer call desk. By keeping high-level engineers in the office, companies can rotate engineers in the field and always have a point of contact back in the office to answer questions and help troubleshoot problems. In this case, the idea of hands-free safety goggles would allow companies to service multiple customers in a shorter amount of time, generating the most amount of revenue for their business.

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