zbrella Delivers Point-to-Point Wireless Internet to Impossible Locations Without Infrastructure

zbrella Delivers Point-to-Point Wireless Internet to Impossible Locations Without Infrastructure

zbrella Delivers Point-to-Point Wireless Internet to Impossible Locations Without Infrastructure

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Why you don’t need fiber optics to have a connection

zbrella has worked on many projects that have zero infrastructure and projects where the complete line of sight between points is simply impossible to see. In many cases, the land between these sites may require permits and permissions to run a hardwired connection between, while projects lacking infrastructure completely face many more difficulties in trying to secure Internet.

Currently, our team at zbrella is working with clients facing these very specific issues to deliver super high-speed, point-to-point wireless Internet to their sites. Most Internet providers and technology firms told our clients that their location was inaccessible and they were unable to deliver Internet to their sites. Our team, who has extensive experience in delivering high-speed Internet to inaccessible locations like tunnels (deep) underground, mountainous areas, and other hard to reach places, was able to easily provide support for their large amount of users. In one location, we delivered and are still delivering 500 megabytes by 500 megabytes of Internet to a site that is over 14.7 miles away. In the world of Internet and technology, that is impressive. By implementing complex technologies, our team is now supporting over 130 people at that site on a single wireless, point-to-point link.

zbrella is the premier leader in delivering Internet to locations that are hard to reach, and we’ve worked successfully with construction companies, General Contractors, Subcontractors, and other service providers on high-level projects to deliver high-speed Internet meant to support enterprise. With this client, along with countless others, we’ve delivered Internet to places that every company said was impossible. That’s why we’ve become the company people call when their project needs Internet.

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