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Carbon Nanotube “Smart Skin” Senses Hidden Infrastructural Damage
670 377 Guest Author

Continuing their research on “smart skin” for structures after receiving a $300,000 grant from the National Science Foundation in 2012, affiliated faculty members of the University of Delaware, (UDEL) Erik Thostenson and…

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4 Best Practices to Optimize Mobile Legal Technology
1024 683 Guest Author

Mobile legal technology: according to the American Bar Association’s (ABA) annual Mobile Technology report, lawyers do use mobile tech. They use it to communicate with colleagues, clients, and other firm-related contacts, they…

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How the Hell Can I Stop Employees from Using Facebook? We’ll Tell You How
1022 683 Christopher Clark

So you’re obviously here because you can’t stop employees from using Facebook. Truth be told, if someone is that hard pressed to access their social media, they’ll go through hell and high…

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At ZBRELLA, we don’t believe in the word “can’t.” We look at the world through a lens of innovation, creation, and imagination, and our team is a bunch of geniuses who reflect that belief system. Like what we have to say? Inspired by our blog? There’s more where that comes from. We can do just about anything, because we never stop at ZBRELLA. Drop us a line if you want us to cover an event, are interested in cross-blogging with us, or just want to shoot the breeze. Don’t be a stranger, get in touch! Read More

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